
10 Proven Ways to Forget Your First… Second… Third… ( The Ex-Buster Formulas)

There are times when even your third relationship fails and that is the point of time when you feel so disheartened that you start doubting yourself. But wait!! Why are you doing this to yourself when you are not even responsible for it all?

Read on to know what you can do to forget about all your bad experiences and to move on like never before. Trust me, it’s better to be single than being in a worthless relationship.

Hang out with friends

Hang out with friends.

Friends are always those who help you out in every way possible. Even the silliest of tricks works to make you smile when they are around. And if you can manage to hang out with them to a place where you can forget everything for just once; what can be better than that?


Music is a psychologically proven way to relax your mind. When your disturbed soul needs some peace, shut off everything around you, plug in your earphones and close your eyes with a soothing music. And yes, do not forget to delete all those romantic songs from your playlist!


No no no, do not stalk your ex. But instead, stalk cute guys/ girls on social media. You might feel a bit better knowing about those 7 billion people in the world who still can be an option for you to date! The best part is that you won’t even have to have feelings of guilt.

Things to do before you die

And then, there always is your hit list of things that you want to do but haven’t been able to do until now. You can call up your friends or maybe go alone to all those places and relive those moments which you might have left thinking about.

Reading books

“Books are your best friends; no demands and no complaints”, you must have heard this famous dialogue in a movie. And the saying isn’t wrong either. When you have no one around and none to rely on, you can indulge yourself in a good book. And trust me, a good book never harms.

TV Series

When everything goes wrong and things do not turn out in your favor, switch your laptop on and Google some good web series. GOT, Friends, etc will keep you occupied for the entire day and not for once will you feel alone. You’ll even want to watch them over and over again. Isn’t it a good trick to keep yourself busy?


Recall all those times when you weren’t treated well by your partner and those times when he/she would shout on you or vent off their anger. Do you deserve to be treated that way? No, definitely not. Think about all the good things that you can do alone and the ones that you couldn’t have done being with him/her. You’ll feel much much better.

Life Goals

Everyone has a dream, an ambition. Some think about money and others about happiness. But everyone has something to work for. Your life does not revolve around that one person, okay? And it never will! Be it your nth boyfriend or girlfriend. He/she will never understand your ambition the way you can. Work for it, for your dream. And make it come true. After all, Rome was not built in a day!


Relationships bring responsibilities along with them. Think about those multiple things you had to do to keep your partner happy. Responsibility to keep your partner happy, to look after their cheesy/unnecessary needs, to make them smile when they cry and to make their problems your own. But wait! Why do you need to buy someone else’s problems when you have so many of your own! Do you not realize how free of all of these useless issues you are, now?


Talk to your friends, your family, your one neighbor that you rely on or if no one, then talk to yourself! Look at yourself in the mirror and shout out all your worries, your problems, at it. You are important. And that’s the only thing that matters.

Someone somewhere is ‘NOT’ waiting for you. You have to be your own savior.

Go ahead, find yourself and live ‘your’ life.

 You do not need to depend on anyone !!

Let us know in the comments section, what do you prefer to do!

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