Reduce Your Weight in 1 Month (Just Follow These Simple Steps)
Bhumika Mittal
Don’t judge the book by its cover. Say a “No more” to all those spamming pages or those tempting sites which promise you slimming down but don’t stand up to their word. Yes! It’s not a myth or a joke. Try These simple Steps and Reduce your Weight in Just 1 Month.
The weight of our body is determined by the amount of food we intake and the energy we get from it. A few extra pounds of fat lead to weight gain.
Let’s discuss some guidelines, which you should follow to reduce your weight considerably in just one month.
The eating habits of many people lead to increase in their weight. Healthy food should be taken in your diet. People should eat food at proper intervals so that it gets digested. One should give full attention to what he/she is eating and should take the taste of each bite. This will lead you not to eat more, while you can enjoy your food. Slow chewing into bits allows the food to mix up with saliva so that more of its nutrition can be broken down. A focused mind gives a signal of “done” for the food limit. A proper sitting posture helps in easy digestion of the food as it will allow an easy passage through the gut.
You should try to eat daily and never aim at skipping meals. Skipping meals lead to unhealthy eating pattern and even makes you lazy and irritated. Many people find that going longer than a few hours without food makes them more likely to overeat later, but it is not like this. You should aim for having small snacks between two meals; this can help you to work more and that too without getting tired very soon.
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Everyone should aim for a maximum number of proteins which they can get on their plate. Eating more of protein filled food helps in maintaining your metabolism and keeps you active for a longer period. Protein increases satiety more than carbohydrates do. It also helps in limit muscle loss during weight loss. You should look for food which has high protein (such as beans and other legumes, white-meat poultry) or those also rich in healthy fats (such as fish, nuts, and soy foods).
People often miss their meals and think that they will eat more food later. But let me tell you one thing, this isn’t gonna work. Overeating often leads to vomiting and other such problems. To avoid this, you should go for small, timely snacks.
Water water everywhere
Drink a lot of water (preferably boiled) every day. A glass full right after bed and a glass just before the sleep (of Luke warm water with lemon and honey or green tea) will start showing its slimming effects pretty soon. Also, a Luke warm water’s glass 15 minutes before and after a meal will help in easy digestion of food and removal of the stuck fat and food pieces on your gut lining.
Exercise till you sweat
You should try to do exercise daily as this will help you reduce your weight and also will keep you healthy. With exercising, you can go for dieting. With proper proportions of exercise and diet, you can reduce your weight. If there arises an argument of time then cardio exercises are the best. Remember! Never do it all together or leave it all together. It always burdens the body to cover it up. One of the best ways is to join yoga classes.
Science has proven it day and again that an emotional wreck can imbalance your hormones and disturb the bodily functions. This will undoubtedly just add up to your weight.
The circadian rhythm if tampered with can lead to disasters. A good undisturbed sleep of 6-7 hours is necessary to de-stress the body and recharge for another hectic day. The technology and the living styles today definitely leave no space for the value of the ancestral importance of the sleep timings and it’s durations. But a fresh mind knows better how to naturally Get Rid of the body fat.
Cooking at home often helps you to eat a wholesome platter of food and that too it is very healthy and pure i.e. not made from harmful preservatives. It helps you to control how much oil, sugar, and other high-calorie ingredients you use in your food. The simple funda is “you know what you actually eat as you see it.”
Cleanliness is godliness
Clean your hands before and after every meal. This will prevent you from culturing bad microbes around you on your body. In turn, you will take fewer medicines.
Thus there are many real life cases of the people who lost their weight. Some of these cases are of famous actors of Bollywood like Parineeti Chopra, Arjun Kapoor, Sonakshi Sinha, Alia Bhatt. They too tried very hard to look slim on screen and thus it the hard that pays in the end and so did in their case.