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10 Hilarious Engineering Days Moments Only Engineers Can Relate To


Engineers have an exciting life which encompasses a gamut of emotions. From stupidity to ingenuity, from gloom to ebullience, from laziness to alacrity, Engineers have experienced it all.

If you are an engineer, you will definitely relate to these 10 hilarious engineering days moments.

 You haven’t slept well for at least ages by now

Well, Lack of sleep is the common misery of all engineers. The burden of assignment, viva, practicals and exams are just too much to bear. This leaves these poor things craving for sleep forever.


That sinking feeling on the examination day

No matter how many study schedules engineers have carefully crafted, the syllabus of the engineering subjects is like a bottomless pit. Not to mention the last moment addition to the syllabus before an exam. Now we can well imagine the reason of their frustration and dejection on the exam day.


Free Wi-fi and free food are the primary necessities of life

How do engineers define a perfect day? Free food and free wi-fi, of course! And they don’t mind going to variable lengths to achieve it.


Always Looking Forward to a party

From friend’s birthday to his getting dumped in a relationship, Engineers see all these events as an opportunity for a party. Birthday party, breakup party, patch-up party, and so on. Whatever the reason maybe, the party must go on!


After clearing the assignment load for the entire semester

Engineers like to take up challenges. Procrastination is their favorite habit. And when they devote their heart and soul into completing the entire semester’s assignments, they just lose the track of their time and their identity too!


Nerds to their core

No one can take out ‘the nerd’ that dwells in an engineer. It keeps showing up every now and then, no matter what the situation may be.


 Growing immune to Awkwardness

Engineers are not terrified of Awkwardness. They embrace it and grow resistant to it. A trait others should learn from them.


The deep-seated superiority complex

There is no phenomenon in the world, which an engineer cannot explain. They are always ready with their scientific theorems, laws, and equations to win over others in every argument.


People keep asking you to fix their appliances

People often regard engineers as mechanics and electricians. Wherever they find an engineer, they instantly come up with the list of appliances that need service. Every engineering student has faced this perilous situation at least once in their life.


When you have braced an eternal boring lecture and the teacher doesn’t take attendance! 

The courage and strength with which engineers wade through a long boring lecture just go in vain when the teacher doesn’t take attendance. It is the worst form of torture you can inflict upon an engineer. They despise teachers for these malicious acts.

Do you find these hilarious moments relatable? Don’t forget to share it with your friends.

Or if you have something to add, do share with us in the comments section. We would love to hear from you.

Featured Image Credit: 3 Idiots/Bollywood Movie
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