A friend is the one who comes in when the whole world has gone out. ~Grace Pulpit
Friends are an important ingredient in the recipe of life. They make life worth living. True friends are indeed the most precious asset a person can have.
Here are the top 10 Reasons why friends are important in life.

1. Friends are the Family we choose for Ourselves
The most important people in a person’s life are referred to as his ‘kith and kin’, i.e., the friends and the family. After family, friends are the ‘Guardian Angels’ who help us sail through every thick and thin. Friends often develop strong bonds of love and trust just like siblings.
2. Friends are the True Guides
Friends listen to us, understand us and offer their advice every time they sense us in trouble. They are the true well-wishers and guide us to the right path.
3. Friends provide a Comfort Zone
There is no room for formalities in friendship. Friends provide a comfort zone where we need not worry about our looks or other external factors. We just need to open our heart and be ourselves.
4. Friends Boost Confidence
We all feel low sometimes due to our insecurities and self-doubts. True friends sense this and strive to raise our sunken spirits.
5. Friends provide a Shoulder to Cry on
Friends are a source of our strength during the weak times. They give us a shoulder to cry on when we need it the most. We can confide in all our weaknesses and insecurities to them without any hesitation.
6. Friends provide a Reality check
True friends show us the mirror. With their honest opinions, they correct us every time we fall astray. We always need an honest reality check to carry a genuine self-image.
7. Friends take the Loneliness away
Whenever life seems too hard, unfair or mean, friends provide us with the much-required comfort and solace. They are always available to kick away the depressing loneliness which haunts us.
8. Friends provide Unconditional Support
Friendship is a pure relation based solely on trust and is free from conditions of any kind. It is one of the most selfless relations in the world.
9. Friends Add joy to your Life
Friends can turn your lackluster life to an enjoyable and an adventurous experience. The good times spent with friends become a sweet memory for the lifetime.
10. Friendship is the First step towards Love
True love is always based on true friendship. The unconditional support, trust, and comfort of a friendship lay a strong foundation for true love.
The aforementioned points have highlighted the different ways by which our friends are a boon for us. Life is incomplete without friends.
Friends are life!
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