
This Woman Gave Births To Five Babies In Just Two Minutes Which Happens Only Once in 55 Million.

Meet Kim Tucci, a 26-year-old Australian mother who gave birth to four healthy gorgeous girls and a handsome boy at King Edward Memorial Hospital, Perth in just two minutes, all were conceived naturally . She has recently released a photo shoot of her unlikely new arrivals.

surprised by five- tomatoheart-comImage Source: GoFundMe

The chance of conceiving quintuplets ( five children born at the same time from the same pregnancy ) naturally is about one in 55 million. A team of 50 doctors and nurses assisted her in this and thankfully all of the children were born healthy.


Image Source: Facebook/Erin Elizabeth Photography

Here what she has to say about the above-shown photo on her Facebook Page.

“50 fingers 50 toes, 6 hearts beating at once. My body fought the toughest of battles to get five babies here safely. Everything I did, I did for them”

A local, yet popular photographer’s team named ” Erin Elizabeth Photography” helped her to document her pregnancy. As we can see the photographs, the photographer’s team has really done a fabulous job.

Image Source: Facebook/Erin Elizabeth Photography

Mrs Tucci’s story gained popularity through her Facebook page, Surprised by Five, where she currently has more than 2lac 40k followers. She has shared the details of her pregnancy through this page.

Image Source: Facebook /SurprisedByFive

While talking about this pregnancy with Australian current affairs program 60 Minutes in April, Mrs Tucci said she felt like her body was “shutting down” during the pregnancy. Even doctors were not quite sure about the delivery. They offered her the choice of saving two of the babies while terminating the others, due to serious health risks to both her and the unborn children. In this interview, she said:

“No-one thought I could do it, and I did, I showed everyone in my life,”

Image Source: Facebook/Erin Elizabeth Photography

Presently,they are attempting to raise funds through a crowd-funding platform “Gofundme” to buy a van that is big enough to fit their entire family. In last 24 days, they have been funded $19,080 at the time of writing this post but they are still in almost half way of their funding goal of $40k. If you liked these photographs and want to support her, you can also help her to raise the money through this link.

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Have a happy life!

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