
If You Possess This Illegal Number in USA, You Can Be Arrested Right Now

Trust it or not, the “ownership” of certain numbers could get you into some genuine issues with the law.  It may sound weird but this is true. These numbers are related to cryptology techniques which is used for the information security using personal computers by banks and governments and big corporate companies.  The rule of PC encryption is to a great extent based on huge prime numbers. Prime number are those numbers which can either be divided by itself or 1 but not by any other numbers. The keys to decode these locks are prime numbers, which rise to the lock’s number in the event that they’re duplicated together. In such cases in which you don’t have permission to access these “keys” to open the lock ( suppose the password of a net banking account), you have to discover the numbers yourself or using any computer. Since these numbers are so long, with a large number of digits, finding different numbers usually takes, quite a while, regardless of the possibility that you’re a supercomputer, henceforth why it is so secure.

illegal prime numbers tomatoheartImage Source: YouTube Video

There is one prime number (an amazingly long, unspeakable number) that was the source code to open the copyrighted ensured frameworks on DVDs. Utilizing this number, you would have the capacity to copy, download, or transfer the information on the DVD. Under the 1998 Digital Rights Act, it could subsequently be viewed as an apparatus to get around a copyrighted ensured framework. In fact, 85650789657397829 + 1402 more digits is an illegal number.

A very informative explanatory and interesting video is published by “Wendoverproductions“, a YouTube Channel explaining about these illegal numbers and it is inspired from an article titled “Illegal_prime” available on Wikipedia.

Let’s watch it:


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