Are you a girl? In the marriageable age zone?
Eligible Spinster?
With this age comes a long list of expectations that various people have from you.These expectations make you the perfect “marriage material“. Apart from being a Sati Savitri, you need to have a lot of other qualities as well.
Here are 15 ridiculous qualities which are expected from an eligible spinster.
You Should be fair

We live in a country where you are required to be as fair as snow white. Indians are obsessed with white skin color.
You should make Round chapatis
Most of Indians are obsessed with round chapatis. You better learn to make them because after all, you are applying for the post of a full-time cook and the chapati’s which are not round can’t be digested!
You should know how to drape a Saree
You don’t know how to drape a saree!! Learn it before you get married. Else get ready for all those tantrums.
Long hair
Short hair means infers that you are a rebel. And girls with short hair don’t qualify for good Indian bahus.
You should eat like a mouse
You should eat less and should remain thin. Otherwise who would marry you?
You should have an arranged marriage
Don’t believe in love marriage. You will have an arranged marriage with a “nice guy ” we choose for you. Nahi to log kya kahenge!
You should dance elegantly at any social gathering
“You shouldn’t jump or move your booty like that. That’s not how a girl should dance” quote most of those “aunties”.
Always smile, no matter how you feel
You should never show your emotions to your inlaws. always put up a smile in front of everybody
You should never talk back to anyone even if they are wrong .
Because ideal bahus don’t reply back and just answer in “Haanji Haanji”
Your should not hang out with guys
“You are getting married, so you should only have female friends. It’s bad for your image.” we all spinsters have heard this at least once.
No late night partying
Behave like a Sanskari girl and come back before night falls. After all, achche ghar ki ladkiya raat ko bahar nahi jati!
You should be a virgin
Your flower should remain intact till you don’t get married
You Should not wear revealing clothes
Revealing clothes!! NO NO
You must do pooja every morning
You should get up early, bathe and do the morning aarti ritual.
No smoking and drinking
Tauba Tauba!! Ye to bigdi hui hai !! The only smoke you should know is the one that comes out of the pressure cooker.
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