In this world of cut-throat competition, only the fittest survive. To strike a perfect work-life balance is indeed a challenging manoeuvre. While you cannot stretch the day to include extra hours, you can surely utilize the interstices in between the work, to get the odds in your favor any day. Here are top 21 Tips on Time Management that are proven to turn the clock back!

1. Well begun is half the work done
It is a quintessential proverb in the context of time management by Aristotle. Begin the task at hand by putting your best foot forward. Eventually, the task will get easier to work at and will be completed in a much shorter span of time.
2. Important tasks first
Taking too many tasks in hand at a time befuddles the brain that consequently leads to loss of concentration. To avoid getting stressed at work, learn to prioritize things. Take up the urgent tasks at first, accomplish them with utmost dedication and then move towards the tasks of next higher priority. This way the tasks all the tasks can be dealt with smoothly and without compromising with your precious time.
3. Don’t ditch sleep
Sleep plays an indispensable role when it comes to staying healthy and alert. Needless to say, work done without concentration is an overstretched waste of time. Have ample sleep every night to stay focused and nimble while at work.
4. Maintain a to-do list
Our brain works with speed and accuracy, only when it is free from undue concerns. Maintaining a to-do list at work helps to clear off all the clutter from the brain. Relying solely upon your brain to remind you about all the tasks to be done simply overburdens it and reduces its efficiency.
5. Concentration is the key element
A task done with a deep concentration not only produces quality output but also cut shorts the time required to finish it. It renders a feeling of accomplishment and motivates one to excel at work.
6. Overlap tasks to cut off the waiting period for the next task
The tasks which do not require much concentration or presence of mind can be overlapped to save time for other activities. For example, while waiting for your turn in a queue, you can plan your future events and create a work plan in your mind.
7. Keep It Simple Silly!
Don’t be bogged down by unnecessary details while at a task as they only consume your precious time. Understand the task well and eliminate the unwanted elements right away to expedite your tasks.
Click Page: 2 below to read more tips.
8. Block out distractions
While brainstorming on important tasks, always ask others for their cooperation in eliminating distractions. You can put up a ‘Do not Disturb’ board to avoid disturbance from the surroundings. Distractionless mind glides through the problem at hand and produces quick and efficient solutions for it.
9. Watch the time you spend on the Internet
Though the Internet is an unparalleled convenience for us, its addiction is fatal for concentration at work. While working it is advisable to keep the notifications from unimportant sources off for better focus and speed.
10. Set deadlines
Set up deadlines for every important task and abide by it no matter what. Following deadlines is a good way to maintain punctuality at work. Accomplishing tasks on time gives you ample of time to take up new tasks and hence helps you increase your productivity.
11. Set reminders on phone
Embrace technology to lighten the burden off your brain. Setting reminders on your mobile phone will notify you about the urgent tasks right when you wish to be informed. This removes the undesirable time lag that occurs when you forget to do some work on time.
12. Organize your workspace well
A well-organized workplace creates an impeccable ambiance required for high productivity. A person who aspires to achieve big in life cannot afford to lose his precious time every day due to unordered surroundings.
13. Focus on quality rather than quantity
People often misconstrue success to be the outcome of HOW much work it takes. Such people fail to understand the difference between hard work and smart work. Therefore, they tend to take up multiple tasks at a time and end up wasting a colossal amount of time. To sum up in a line: “work less but make a big impact”.
14. A stitch in time saves nine!
It is a well-known fact that a person who fails to perform a task on its stipulated time always ends up burdened with a complicated and aggravated version of that task. Thus, performing tasks on time is a great tip for time management.
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15. Pre-preparations can be of great help
Conduct a brief walk-through for the problem beforehand and prepare a ‘Line of Attack’. It provides you with a clear vision that aids in solving the problem later on with a much reduced time span.
16. Obliterate the excuses
Take up the task only when you are completely convinced that it is your cup of tea. And while you are at it, always give your best. Keep excuses at bay as they obfuscate your capabilities. Delaying a task at hand due to excuses is a sheer wastage of time.
17. Be self-motivated
Make your goals and ambitions as an incessant source of your motivation. Nothing can hinder a person with unwavering confidence from being super productive at work.
18. Group together related tasks
It is a wise method to group together similar tasks to avoid the overhead incurred while switching from one category of tasks to other over and over again. Grouping together similar tasks enables you to finish them at the same time with minimum movement. Thus, it saves you a great deal of time.
19. Take brief breaks
It is advisable to take brief breaks while performing brain-intensive tasks. Sometimes, the brain just gets stuck at a problem and refuses to budge. Taking a short break and coming back to the problem with a new perspective works wonders. Also, it saves your precious time and energy.
20.No good in Crying over the spilled milk
Get over the failures instantly. No one is perfect. Learn from your mistakes and start afresh. Crying over the spilled milk is a mere wastage of your valuable time.
21. Possess the Right Spirit at work
Constant passion and willpower help you wade through all the obstacles. The right attitude at workplace makes the work enjoyable. And it is a fact that a satisfied person is very productive and punctual in his dealings.
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