9. Peladophobia – Fear of Bald People

Like most of the other phobias, this one is actually irrational. But then you don’t know why somebody fears a certain group of people. Some historic event or movie may have caused this phobia.
10. Omphalophobia – Fear of Belly Buttons

This is also one of the irrational fear certain people possess. Symptoms of this fear include anxiety disorders, shaking of hands and panic attacks.
11. Ombrophobia – Fear of Rain

This one is actually hard to believe. We love rain and the smell of freshly wet soil. But then phobias are supposed to be weird right.
12. Nudophobia – Fear of Nudity
This is the phobia of being exposed or bare. This one is an exaggerated or irrational fear that many people possess.
13. Biphobia – Fear of bisexual or LGBT People

Biphobia is distaste toward bisexuality and bisexual individuals as a social crowd or as individuals. People of any sexual alignment can experience or spread such feelings of dislike.
14. Cynophobia – Fear of Dogs

Do you run when you see a dog? Then my friend you suffer from cynophobia. It is an irrational fear of dogs which causes an aversion towards dogs.
15. Genophobia – Fear of Sexual Intercourse

Genophobia is also called as coitophobia. It is the aversion towards sexual intercourse or even acts that lead to it. Genophobia is most likely developed after a severe traumatic act.
16. Ablutophobia – Fear of Washing, Bathing, or Cleaning

Ablutophobia is the insistent, unusual and unjustified fear of washing, bathing, or cleaning. It tends to be more common amongst children and women than in men and particularly with those people who are very emotional. Such a fear makes you feel sad and lonely. It might be an effect of an event from the past involving bathing, washing or cleaning to an emotional shock.
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