17. Ephebiphobia – Fear of Young People

These people don’t just hate teenagers but they are fearful of their presence.
18. Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia – Fear of the number 666

Hexakosioihexekontahexaphobia is a Greek word. It means “fear of the number six hundred sixty-six”. Does something like this even exist?
19. Pentheraphobia – Fear of your Mother-In-Law
Most of the married people suffer from this heart-wrecking phobia, at one time or other. This is so common in the western society that it appears frequently in the entertainment industry. Novercaphobia is another phobia somewhat related to this, in which sufferer is fearful of his/her stepmother. Cinderella had this phobia.
20. Technophobia – Fear of Technology

The person suffering from this has the feeling of severe anxiety and fear associated with using anything that is technologically advanced.
21. Emetophobia – Fear of Vomiting

Ugghhh!!! Isn’t it Gross?
Most people don’t even know that this fear is so common to have its own specific name. Some are frightened that they will vomit. Others are scared of seeing others vomit. Most have worry telling what they fear will happen if they vomit, or see others vomit, but imprecisely fear an awful loss of control, a devastation from which they won’t recover.
22. Ligyrophobia – Fear of Loud Noises

This fear has many names Acousticophobia, Ligyrophobia, phonophobia or sonophobia . No matter how alert we are, a sudden alarm or bell often leads us scared and anxiety struck.
23. Porphyrophobia – Fear of the Color Purple

The fear of any color is associated with destructive associations. The fear can grow as a result of opinion or personal experience, but it often goes back to either a conscious or subconscious, but highly negative link between the color purple or something that left a lasting negative imprint.
24. Ornithophobia – Fear of Birds

Are people even scared of those cute little flying creatures? shocked? Some people fear of only birds like vultures and eagles, while others are even afraid of household pets like parakeets or parrots.
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