25. Ailurophobia – Fear of Cats

A common initiation for Ailurophobes is seeing dreadful responses of other people to cats. A kid might develop this dread by watching his parent or sometimes even a cartoon.
26. Ergophobia – Fear of Work

Ergophobia is a fragment of social anxiety disorder. The persons suffering from it are scared to seek employment from dread of being shouted at by superiors, or due to the presentation or social anxiety. This is thus an intricate phobia as it may be part of many dissimilar phobias or mental issues.
27. Somniphobia – Fear of falling Asleep

Most of us like to sleep and see it as a basic need to survive. But there are some individuals in the world who also suffer from anxiety disorders related to sleep. It is different from insomnia. Often the victim is scared of what might happen if he falls asleep.
28. Turophobia – Fear of Cheese

This kind of phobia is typically caused by a disturbing childhood memory. The victim throws up at the sight, smell or taste of cheese.
29. Agyrophobia – Fear of Crossing the Street

The word “Agyrophobia” comes from the Greek “Gyrus” which means turning or whirling. Agyrophobics avoid the whirl of traffic. These people have a fear of crossing streets, highways, and other thoroughfares, or a fear of thoroughfares themselves and hence it becomes very difficult for them to live comfortably in a city.
30. Eisoptrophobia – Fear of Mirrors

When broadly speaking, Eisoptrophobia is termed as the fear of mirrors, but it’s the fear of looking inside. Their fears are mostly superstitious in nature. They may fear to look into the mirror as they believe it will bring them in contact with a supernatural world inside the glass. They also believe that breaking a mirror will bring bad luck or so.
31. Panphobia – Fear of Everything
Here comes the last one – Panphobia. The state of mind where someone fears from anything and everything . They are in a constant state of anxiety. In this phobic condition, anxiety passes from one situation to the next no matter what the situation is.
What kind of fear you have? Let us know in the comments section below and don’t forget to share this article.
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