Hostel – “The home away from home “. Here the rules exist to be broken. We all hostelers will agree that at least once in their hostel life they have done all these crazy things. If not, stop whatever you are doing and do these the moment you can. After all time and tide wait for none. Don’t miss out the fun and essence of the hostel life.
Here are 10 Perks of Hostel Life
Messy rooms

This is probably the best perk of living in a Hostel or Dorm. You won’t have your mom shouting on top of her voice to clean your room. You can leave it as messy as you want.
Use another person’s bed as a place to store your things

When staying in a hostel and a sharing a room with complete outsiders, your tiny little bunk bed is your only personal space. But what happens when your space is filled and you need more space to store your things? Then the best next option left is to share the space with your roommate. Dump your stuff on his/her bed and relax.
Free Wi-Fi

By living in a hostel you may get access to the free Wi-Fi connection provided by the authorities. It is super fun to have unlimited internet facility as it helps you connect to the world and helps in various other things. But what’s better than stealing your friend’s password and finishing off his/her quota limit.
Access to resources

You can have access to all resources whether it is movies or books. You can just bang on the door of your neighbor and voila!! You have the needed item in a jiffy.
Gaming Fun

Every hostel has groups that pull an all nighter and dedicate it to games like FIFA, Counter Strike, etc.
Hostel events and activities

Hostel life is about enjoying all those hostel events and rule-breaking activities.This is probably the best thing during the hostel life. Most of the people find a silly reason to party at midnight with their roomies.
Late Night Snacks

Nothing in the world can beat the 3 am Maggi.
Copying assignments

Most of us wait for the last moment to complete up your assignments. Many students wait so that their roomies finish up their work so that they get a chance to copy their work.
Immunity to bad food

Eating in the Hostel mess will make you immune to any kind of food. You learn to digest pretty much everything.
You know ways to Save Money

Whether it is by crashing weddings or using low-quality products, we all have our own ways of saving money.
Let us know about the perks you enjoyed in your hostel life in the comments section. Do like and share if you can relate to the article.
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