If I were to head straight to the point I would claim that ‘Man’kind has been faking civilization!

There is an undercurrent of animalistic desires that runs just below the surface fighting to overcome that brittle facade of a thing called civilization. There must have been something that went wrong with humanity, with its evolution.
While I do not want us, women, to hold grudges against men for past arrangements as long as they are ready to amend the society into a more equitable and fair place;
I do want men to realize that their gender was privileged to be the one who makes the rules and that you guys sucked at it and messed up terribly.
Of all the ways that female gender was oppressed, the cruelest was to undermine their bodily rights. In the wake of all of the allegations surfacing in Hollywood against the inappropriate actions of producer Harvey Weinstein, Twitter was overwhelmed by trending hashtag ‘Metoo’ under which women all over the globe are putting #Metoo as their status reflecting upon their experience of being harassed at some point in their lives.
It was started on Monday, October 16th by actress Alyssa Milano. Although, The “Me Too” movement was initially launched by activist Tarana Burke, who started a website that supported and amplified the voices of survivors of sexual abuse, assault, and exploitation.
If you’ve been sexually harassed or assaulted write ‘me too’ as a reply to this tweet. pic.twitter.com/k2oeCiUf9n
— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) October 15, 2017
The thread ‘#Metoo’ draws attention towards a disturbing reality. I see that a lot of men are devasted by the sheer amount of ‘#Metoo’ posts on their walls by various women from their friend list. But If these women also start telling how many times their bodily integrity was breached, I think some men would lose the will to live.

I know a lot of the guys out there are empathetic but trust me it is not enough. It isn’t the guilt that we want you to feel, but repentance and remorse. At best, we demand you to be sincere.
Could you make sure that you would not turn a blind eye to the events of assault around you, no matter how minor? Could you promise that you would feel empowered to play a constructive role towards a better, more humanistic society?
Don’t mistake this for a cry for help because begone are the days when we needed to depend on men for protection and security. Women are capable of taking care of themselves well enough. Rather this is a demand of companionship for a cause that should concern society at large. It’s not untrue that women alone cannot claim freedom for themselves, the assailants should also feel responsible to hand over the freedom reigns to the rightful owners. It should be a peaceful exchange of power or else Women aren’t afraid of going to war. There has been bloodshed over useless issues, ours is one mighty cause after all.
It’s not untrue that women alone cannot claim freedom for themselves, the assailants should also feel responsible to hand over the freedom reigns to the rightful owners. It should be a peaceful exchange of power or else Women aren’t afraid of going to war. There has been bloodshed over useless issues, ours is one mighty cause after all.
It is only the overall sensitivity and resolve of the female race that we still believe in dialogues and discourse with our oppressors.
It is high time that the civil nature of the female struggle is appreciated.
For who knows, might be that male-dominated society would be followed by a female-dominated one. But we shall get enough chances in between to establish an equilibrium and with great efforts maybe even sustain it.

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