Even when half of the world is developed and other half is developing, millions of girls are deprived of their basic human rights, solely because they’re girls. From what feels like a battle going on inside your ovaries each month, to the dilemma of what to wear, it can be pretty hard being a girl.
Here I have listed 23 girly problems that we girls usually face but never talk about it to anyone
Learning how to walk in those sky-high heels like a normal person and not a douche bag

Wearing heels have become a fashion now. Though not comfortable, girls forcibly wear them, just because it looks classy and fashionable. While some girls struggle even with those wedges or block heels, others seem like they came out of the womb in stilettos.
Problem of having “nothing to wear”

How many times have we said those words standing in front of our overflowing wardrobes. Countless I can guarantee. But then men don’t understand the struggle to always look good.
Constant stares

Wage Gaps

Wage gaps are prevalent in every profession. Even Bollywood suffers from this problem.
“I don’t really understand why we are paid less than the male actors because we put in equal effort and the recent past has shown that actresses can deliver a hit film. We deserve better pay, equal to what actors get,” Wazir star Aditi Rao Hydari told Press Trust of India.
Menstrual cycle

Hurdles in career path
While the society claims to support the idea of working women, it still carries its a

ge-old notions of spending more money on the education of their son. The number of hurdles in the career path of women are countless ranging from family issues to equality problems.
Constant need to be fair

Indian women are under the constant pressure to look “fair”. I don’t seem to understand the fascination of the society with white skin.
This fascination has led to increasing sales of ” fair and lovely” and other fairness creams.
Walking alone

While we girls are told not to go out late at night, our counterparts, the boys roam freely without having to glance at the clock even once.
Work life balance

A working woman dedicates equal time for work and family. Yet she finds time for herself. Guys can never do it.
Having to use the restroom

While women have to wait in long queues to use the restrooms, men don’t think waiting is their cup of tea and free themselves wherever they feel like.
Beauty Costs

The cost of beauty services is rising with each passing day. While men can get a haircut in 50$, the cost for women is 10 times that. And not only haircuts, women are entitled to many other beauty services like waxing, threading etc.
Expectation of having hair only on your head

While women are supposed to look spin and span at all points of time, the same is not expected from men. We have to endure the painful and onerous process of waxing every single inch of ourselves every month.
When your eyes are itchy but then you can’t rub them because you have makeup on

Frizzy hair

No guy can understand the pain when your hair goes frizzy at the slightest sign of humidity.
Hair Fall

Every girl knows the struggle of getting these strands out of the washroom or the drain after having a nice hot bath.
Having to wear appropriate clothing for the wind

Hair ties and bobby pins

No matter how many of these you buy, they WILL go missing.
The pain of Nail Paints

Winged eyeliner

When you try to even out your winged eyeliner and it just takes over your whole face and you end up looking like a panda.
Being a Human Canvas

We all end up looking like a human canvas as soon as we exit a makeup store.
Sneezing after Mascara

Long Hair care Routines

You have to carve out a full evening to wash, condition, dry and style your hair. It’s a whole process that involves various tubes and bottles of mystical, expensive hair product, and the power of prayer.
Waking up early to get ready

You would need to get up early to make yourself look presentable.
No matter how many problems we face being a girl, we all surely love being one. Girl Power.
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