AIB has always been quite humorous and satirical in all of its ventures and this Independence Day they released a video staging an exit interview between India and Great Britain “Raj”. Although the video is set in 1947 it gives the audience a modern feel and is instantly relatable.

In the first look, we see the office of the Raj with quirky posters and a young India waiting anxiously for his exit interview. The video surprisingly shows Utsav Chakraborty dressed in a Jawahar jacket and a rose in his pocket instead of a sari-clad Bharat Mata as India. The role of Great Britain is played by Nick Pillow with special appearances by Tanmay Bhat as Pakistan, who is dressed as Jinnah.

The video shows a lot of witty exchange of dialogues between Raj and India where Raj tries to convince India that they had a good time together and India reverts back stating that all that Britain did was for its own benefit. Later, India does agree that Britain helped India to realize that ‘widows don’t make good fuel’ and ‘child marriage needed to be abolished’.
The only one time that India and Britain agreed was on Section 377 putting a ban on homosexuality. Britain makes a slight comment on how they jailed that ‘gay guy who won them the war’, referring to Alan Turning.
Pakistan makes a few interruptions which provide moments of chuckles. Lastly, when India says he is going to be a free nation Britain remarks that it won’t last long with his ‘ 100 ethnicities, 1000 religions , millions of languages and caste.’
India promises that he would be a free nation ending everything he thinks is wrong with the Raj – muzzling media, shooting citizens, putting students in jail. All of this a subtle reminder for us of what we had promised ourselves back then and where we stand today on them.
This video is a must watch this Independence day reminding us of our journey to who we have become today, 70 years later.
Check out the video here :
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