Many dreams of this, but he achieved it. Brooklyn-based Nick Johnson captured all the 142 Pokemon available in the USA and became the first one to do this.

The tech worker and certified Pokefan announced his achievement on Reddit 3 days ago.
According to the game Pokemon Go, it is possible to catch only 142 Pokemon in the US amongst the 151. Other than these three exclusive can be caught in International Regions but no one knows the whereabout of other six monsters.
The task of catching these 142 was not an easy talk. Johnson said that he had to catch 4,269 Pokémon, hatch 303 and walk nearly 95 miles in the span of two weeks. After leaving his job at 6 pm, he would travel 8 miles per day as per his iPhone health app to capture all the Pokemon. He could be found roaming from 2 a.m to 5 a.m in search of the monsters. Johnson is the head of a platform with startup Applico and a recently published author who did the venture in New Jersey, Manhattan, and Brooklyn to hatch 303 eggs.
He posted a screenshot of Pokedex as proof.

To catch the other rare 3 Pokemon, he is going on a free international ride sponsored by International travel firm Marriott Rewards. He will be going to Europe, Japan, and Australia to search for Mr. Mime, Farfetch’d and Kangaskhan to complete his Pokedex.
Interesting facts he told about his journey-
- He was unaware of the fact that he had a choice to catch the first one, so he caught Water-type Squirtle instead of the Fire-type Charmander.
- While catching his second last Pokemon, Porygon, he had to take a uber ride to New Jersey.
- To complete his collection, he needed a last one “Omastar”. According to Johnson, he would have caught it a day before but then Verizon cell service cut out for 15 minutes, denying him of his prize. “Shout out to Verizon, you the real MVP. “
- Johnson says Grand Army Plaza in Central Park is the place where 300 people could be found hunting till morning including Justin Beiber. Apart from this, Battery Park which is also in New York City is the crowded place.
Johnson learned to perform better in his work and it helped him to achieve is passion.
Gotta catches them all, the person who made this right says “My childhood dreams of being a Pokémon master have come true. “
Tips from him-
Buy some good walking shoes.
If you plan to spend real money for in-game items, then the egg incubators are the best bang for your buck.
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