Superhero saving your life ?! Yes, you heard it right !!
Sooner an army of Iron Man would be fighting for you to protect you and keep you safe . Yes JARVIS and Tony Stark’s high-tech armor is coming to existence ! The Technology and idea depicted in the marvel franchise fiction movie Iron Man starring Robert Downy Junior is going to turn into reality soon.
The U.S. Army is working on a real super suit, which people have likened in the movie Iron Man. Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit is made to better protect soldiers on the front lines.
It is predicted that the suit will be ready till 2018.The first suit would be fully weaponized and bulletproof.
According to TechTimes, Iron Man suit may go beyond fictional comic books, saving the day in real life.This can happen till August 2018. Though the soldiers cannot fly wearing the suit but it is meant for Special Operations Forces and it it does repel flames and ammunition.
In an announcement the Army said that it hopes the technology that is being developed for the suit can be used to create even better soldier prosthetic who get wounded in the line of duty in addition to protecting soldiers. Testing of prototypes will be done till June.

For those who lead the army in a mission -TALOS, or Tactical Assault Light Operator Suit, is a battery-powered robotic exoskeleton designed to protect the lives of soldiers .The idea initially came in the mind of Bill McRaven when a U.S. soldier under his command died during war in Afghanistan. He vowed never to let such a tragedy happen to one of them again.
TALOS is an armor which is in liquid form and that can solidify when it’s hit by a bullet, which is more technologically advanced,as compared to Iron Man’s suit, but it won’t have flying capabilities or a built-in JARVIS, although it has in-helmet technologies that improve visibility and provide better connection with the rest of the army members. A chemical engineering professor from the University of Delaware Norman Wagner applied nanotechnology produced this adaptive liquid material.
“These particles organize themselves quickly, locally in a way that they can’t flow anymore and they become like a solid,” Wagner explained the technology to NPR.

TALOS is fitted with built-in sensors that monitor the heart rate , body temperature, wearer’s health, just like Stark’s suit .The suit is still under development and lots of modifications have to be done.
The head U.S. Special Operations Command, Gen. Joseph Votel, volunteered the project and hopes to have it completed for the U.S. Army as soon as possible to give each soldier “the advantage when he is most vulnerable.”
So , just the upcoming Iron Man movies is awaited , in the near future get ready for an Iron Man suit too!!
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