14-year-old Advay Ramesh brought laurels to India after winning the highly coveted Google Community Impact Award on July 19, 2016. This award is a part of Google Science fair 2016, which received entries from 107 countries. It is awarded to the projects which make a sea-change impact in improving the environmental, resources or health conditions in a community.

About Advay:
Advay is a student of National Public School, Chennai currently studying in Class X. He made it to the Top 20 finalists who competed for a Grand Prize worth 50,000 dollars in scholarship. After steering through all the way to the top, he won $10,000 and a year-long mentorship from Scientific American.
Advay’s winning project:
Advay worked on a project called ‘FishErmen Lifeline Terminal (FELT)’ . It enhances the fishermen safety and productivity using Global Positioning Services (GPS) . Scientific American will further help Advay in developing his winning project.

After his glorious victory, Advay said: “Winning the Google Community Impact Award means a lot to me, it would help me learn more and develop my idea further. I have often read news about the troubles encountered by fishermen in Rameswaram, Tamil Nadu. They have to stay at sea for many days to do their work. Sometimes, Sri Lankan forces arrest them for crossing the International Maritime Boundary line. Location-based information can provide many valuable services to these fishermen to handle these situations,”
The process of selection:

Google received thousands of entries from 107 countries around the world. Judges then selected the Top 100 ideas which included 14 ideas from India. And finally, Advay Ramesh from Chennai won the glorious Google Community Impact Award on July 19, 2016.
Out of the top 100 Regional Finalists , 16 Global Finalists will be selected, who will join Google in Mountain View on September 27 for their sixth annual Awards Celebration.
A Google spokesperson said,”Young minds are inventive, thoughtful, and determined to try things that other people think are “impossible.” It’s imperative for us to support and encourage these young people to explore and challenge the world around them through scientific discovery.Through the Google Science Fair, we want to encourage and support the next generation of scientists and engineers”.
It indeed is a proud moment for India. Out of the box thinking and dedication always yield glorious results. Advay Ramesh is truly an inspiration for the students across India who wish to achieve big in their life.
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