It is always difficult to be in a long distance relationship but when you have to maintain a physical distance, it makes it all the more difficult. You are bound to prove constantly about the strong bond you share with your significant other. Apart from all the cons, there are few pros which make some of the everlasting long distance relationships. Here are few perks of being in an LDR.
1. Makes you more patient
If you can survive distance, there is nothing that can’t beat you up. The patience to wait for the person for days or months to just be in their arms finally makes you realise the value of TIME.

2. Enhance communication skills
It is not possible to be available for each other all the time and share about your whereabouts but that little amount of time when it is just you two, there you have the most meaningful and intellectual conversation ever. Your partner tends to share more thoughts and feelings as compared to people in ‘normal’ relationships.
3. More of emotional than physical
No long distance relationship is “friends with benefits” but it is rather “friends without benefits”. Well a LDR can be a check whether your partner is with you just for sex or he/she has soulmate, love of my life etc kind of aspect too.

4. Always have an “ME” time
There is a problem if your partner is with you 24*7. But in long distance relationships, you get plenty of time. You have time to know yourself better and to pursue your hobbies or interests. You also got time to be with your friends and do adventurous things with them.

5. Technology is your best friend
You have the phone in your hand all the time because you cannot afford to lose a single text message that brightens your day. Skype calls and video messages are a very important part of your relationship.

6. You always have something to look forward
You keep a check on how many days are left to finally meet him/her. There is always a new thing to come whenever you will meet. It never makes the meeting dull but you always have butterflies in your stomach every time you think about seeing them.

7. Be independent
While in normal relationships, the partner is always there to sweep hand but it is not the same in LDR. Most of the time you have to tackle the problems by yourself, from making dinners to managing finances. He can be there for emotional support but then it is you on your own.

8. Full of surprises
Imagine waking up in the morning and seeing your beloved after months standing right in front of your eyes. It is nothing compared to seeing him daily. Sometimes your meeting days might become more special than your birthdays too. Lol.

9. Commitment is most important
The long distance relationship is always cemented with two-way commitment. Trust is a pillar of the relationship. All the trust, commitment, patience and personal strength you develop during the course are helpful when you finally close the gap.

10. Travelling
You are always backpacked for your next trip to meet your partner in the different zip code. It gives you a chance to explore two different places, learn more about each other taste and be on a mini vacation always.

Long distance relationships may seem sceptical to many and is not for the faint of the heart but for people who love their partner more than the distance between them it is just as a cake walk. If all of this doesn’t convince you then always remember that science says “Distance makes the heart fonder”.
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